Practice Healing Responsibly

Alternative medicine can sound like such a bad phrase to some. When we look back on human history, we can easily see the problem with the practice of it. A long time ago, administering liquid Mercury was said to grant immortality. Dousing ailments on paper and soaking them in streams and creeks was said toContinue reading “Practice Healing Responsibly”

Are Ghosts Real?

I hate paranormal investigation shows. Whether they are made for network television or a bunch of amateur ghost hunters threw together some tech to legitimize their YouTube channel, I have a deep loathing for most of them. I’ll still watch them, though, because while I can’t stand the way most ‘hunters’ go about getting theirContinue reading “Are Ghosts Real?”

A Witch’s Thoughts on Death

We got morbid real quick, didn’t we? Death can be a scary thing to think about. When I first began to experience anxiety and panic attacks, the root cause of it stemmed from my fear of dying. I was five, by the way, when it struck me that, unlike getting a cold or a splinter,Continue reading “A Witch’s Thoughts on Death”

Is It A Sign?

I got stung by jellyfish yesterday. Living in a coastal city, I’ve been to the beach my fair share of times. My mother is not much of a swimmer, but she loves the sound of the waves and being near the ocean relaxes her, so whenever she could, she took us. Now, the beach weContinue reading “Is It A Sign?”